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Glass Fiber Mat Fabric
  • Woven roving


    Woven roving is a bidirectional fabric made by interweaving direct rovings.Woven roving is compatible with many resins, such as polyester, vinyl ester andepoxy resins.
    Woven roving is a high-performance reinforcement and widely used in processessuch as in hand lay-up, molding, and pultrusion for th...
  • Stitch Woven Roving Combo Mat


    It is made of woven roving and chopped fiberglass strands ,then stitched together with polyester yarn. It is compatible with Polyester, Vinyl and Epoxy resin and widely used in boat building, Auto parts, refrigerated tools and structural sections industry etc, suitable for hand lay up, RTM, pultrusi...
  • Biaxial Fabrics(+/-45 degree)


    It is a stitch-bonded composite reinforcement combining continuous roving oriented in the +45°,-45°directions into a single fabric. It can be with mat or without mat It is ideal for applications such as wind blades, marine panel, snowboards, truck and trailer panels….
  • Biaxial Fabrics(0/90 degree)


    It is a stitch-bonded composite reinforcement combining continuous roving oriented in the 0,90, directions into a single fabric. It can be with mat or without mat It is ideal for applications such as wind blades, marine panel, snowboards, truck and trailer panels
  • Glass Fiber PP Core Mat


    It is made of   Synthetic mat or woven roving and Chopped strand mat bonded with stitching polyester. It is ideal for the RTM and   RTM light Process.
  • Biaxial Fabric PP Core Mat


    It is made of continuous roving oriented in the 0,90, directions plus Synthetic Core and Chopped strand   bonded with stitching polyester. It is ideal for infusion Process.
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    Tianma Group Corp is engaged in research on fiberglass/composite material products and related technologies, and has won multiple national, provincial, and municipal level scientific and technological progress awards. Based on this, the company implements a technological innovation strategy, actively cooperates with domestic and foreign research institutes, targets and tracks international market trends, continuously develops new products with independent intellectual property rights, and enhances core competitiveness.

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      Tel: 0086-519-68193652

      Add: No. 309 Huanghai Rd, Xinbei District, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China

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    After more than 50 years of development and independent innovation, Tianma Group has always been in a leading position in the fierce market competition. It is China's fiberglass raw material industrial base with large production, excellent quality, multiple varieties, and the widest product coverage
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